Monday, October 15, 2012


well, as i have mentioned on the previous post, i actually filled my last weekend with some college activities and yeah, got back with itchiness around my feet.. and i guessed that it is due to the little red ants that bit us when we were walking around the paddy field.. and another one, got stung by the bee when i accidentally stepped on it, which is super painful and super unlucky... sigh..

anywayz, sometime i think that God loves to play hide and seek with me.. sometimes He would hide that person away from me and will only let me see him when He thinks its the correct time.. no matter how much i longed to see him, it is as if he's perfectly hidden.. and i would only be allowed to see those who looks like him only.. sigh. maybe there is a reason on why he should stay hidden.. but i really hope im able to see him again before i leave for home nxt month.. no special reason, just wanna see him.. that's all. =)



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