Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The bench

As usual, she sat on her carriage, dealing with the wonderful scenery around her.
And the train stopped for a while,
She went off from the train,
getting some fresh air after a long journey.
She saw the bench where she remembered she spent a part of her life there.
With someone.
She went to the bench, sat there and start to reminisce,
the happiness,
the scars,
and the lessons learnt.

She remembered how naive was her in every conversations she had at the bench,
how her tears always rolled when she was at the bench after countless fights,
how she laughed so much when she spent her time there with her guy,
and how she eventually left the bench in search of her another journey.

It's time to go.
And this time, she left the bench, smiling.
And she said to herself, one day, she will return to the same bench,
Either alone or with someone else,
and this time, it will be permanent.
And she went up to her carriage, looked at the bench for the last time,
and smiled.

The bench has never changed.
It was her who changed.
Memories, feelings and lessons never changed.
It was her who decide to move on from this.
Until next time.



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