Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I seriously should consider opening another new blog when i graduate that will like totally talk about my career as well as the events happening in my life..
This blog is like always with my feelings and stuffs like that..
Anywayz, i love to blog about these stuffs,
so yeah, here we go again..

All this while when I was previously single,
I questioned the ultimate question.
Why people can't move on after breaking up?
And then when i was previously in a relationship,
I questioned another ultimate question again.
Why people wanna get into a relationship that has no future on it?
And then, now I am back to single,
I question the next ultimate question.
Why do people still get hurt after few months or years not being attached to that jerk?

And the ultimate answer was,
the moments.
the feelings.
the memories.
People say feelings never stayed permanently,
we felt differently everytime we wake up..
Sometimes, we feel happy,
sometimes, we feel down.
So, feelings never actually remained there.
What was permanent and can't be forgotten is,
those moments, feelings and memories.

Going to one place reminds u of that one time.
Eating that food reminds u of that one time when we.
And listening to people saying that particular stuffs reminds u of that thing we used to.
And because all this could bring permanent fluttering happy feelings or permanent pain.
And thus, why people still get into relationship with the wrong reason or people?
because they want that permanent good feelings,
same goes with me.
I wanted that,
but I dont want it for the wrong reasons or with the wrong people.
Because i dont want to be left and add on to my permanent pain.

So to those whose reading this and could relate to this,
think of it,
if it leaves u with a permanent good feelings, go for it.
but if its gonna leave u with another permanent pain, why still go ahead?



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