Friday, July 25, 2014


Yeah, that's how i was feeling these days..
And I am not even a teacher yet..
Like seriously..

People should work like how they should do work,
Instead of saying they will do it, and eventually someone else clears up the mess for them,
and guess what,
they get all the credits..
You do all the hard work,
the preparations, 
the crazy perfection that you hope you could achieve at the end of the month,
and eventually, that person got the same A with you,
by doing nothing.

How in the world could I be satisfied with this?
I tried to like do what i usually do,
just take it inside and yeah, let it be..
But sometimes, i wish,
like seriously wish,
they would feel how I felt and get treated the same way as well!

I guess this is just the beginning,
and i bet in the future, 
am gonna meet the same problems too.
and by then, what should i do?
do the same thing like now?
just close my eyes and be "satisfied"?



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