Saturday, August 8, 2015


Something from #powerofspeech!
Sharing the second post of the month from this really inspiring page!
Do follow em ya~

"Almost. It's so important to embrace that word. 
We can have a destructive relationship with it.
 Almost made it. 
Almost in love. 
Almost married. 
Almost love myself. 

We grow to have such a dislike for it. 
We grow to fear it. 
We begin to believe in a destination...and forget that there really isn't one.

We are always in the almost.
 Let that resonate.
 Embrace that. 
We never actually just arrive. 
Not if we're doing life the right way. 
We're always growing. 
Always changing. 
Always challenging. 
Sure, we may find ourselves in love... or landing the perfect job...but it never ends just there. 
Because there's always going to be *almost* something more. 
When we can step back and accept that space, our relationship with the process gets better. 

Almost doesn't have to be so devastating. 
Instead, almost becomes inspiring. 
It's our calling. 
It's what gets us closer to living our fullest lives...lives made up of almosts that have become a reality...and beautiful almosts that lead us until our last day..

So feel it everywhere.
Love it everywhere.
Let it always inspire you.
Soon is always around the corner if you just let it be..

Note to myself and everyone reading this,
Don't regret at your almost.
Anticipate your soon.


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