Monday, January 21, 2019

Goodbye stranger.

Candles were lit,
songs were sung,
she looked behind her,
and saw a group of people celebrating a kind of event,
a birthday.

She looked out her window,
and a thought passed by her.
It was his birthday.
A lost friend's birthday.

As she reached for her pen to write a message,
she stopped halfway.
He wouldn't remember her after all.
She is already a stranger,
a distant stranger after all.

She stared outside,
and slowly, those memories crept into her mind.
She brushed it off,
stood up,
and left her table to somewhere new.

And on her table,
she penned down,
"Happy birthday, stranger."

She walked off,
and headed to the train station.
She is determined to leave this place,
to a new place where she could build a new life,
a new hope and find new memories.
Goodbye, stranger.



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