Sunday, February 3, 2013


can't wait to go home..
i guess i need to go home and gain back the strength that i needed the most to endure this whole year..
i might look strong from outside, but inside, its as if everything is broken,
im stress thinking of studies, practicum that seems difficult, personal relationships that sometimes i cannot endure it.. seriously, its been quite a while but sometimes, i just wish some ppl would remember that im actually a human.. someone with feelings, someone who will get hurt when she is subjected to ur bullies, ur inconsiderate jokes and words.. not everyone can endure it ok.. try being in my position and get hurled with all cruel jokes that u think is funny..

i think i should start to search for something to tell all my feelings instead of this blog... this blog has been contaminated with all my emo-ness and complaints.. haha.. as if those whose reading this could even help me.. all they is to just read this and consider it petty or tell ppl how pathetic i am in my blog.. how i wish i could be someone who doesnt have feelings.. at least i dont feel hurt by all those words, accusations, meaningless stare as if i have took someone's boyfriend away, those words telling me how happy i should feel when im not and how lucky i am when im not..

sometimes i wish im in a drama when one day a guy just come up to me and tell me he would be my shield from all these things... but everything is just a dream.. a beautiful dream like the bubbles in the story "Little Mermaid" which will burst when it rises to air... mine too, it burst and left me lying on a harsh and cold reality..

*ignore this.. its another post when the hormones are raging~*



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