Friday, May 26, 2017

End of a chapter

"A good chapter has ended for a new one to begin."

Today marks the start of the 1st sem holidays,
and it's a two weeks holidays for both us and our pupils.
But for me, it's going to be a week since I am involved with extra classes.

Today is also considered as a sad day for me,
as my first headmaster has retired.
We celebrated his retirement for two days,
and for that two days,
I could see how sad he was to leave the school,
and all teachers were also sad in the occasion.

I remembered the first day of getting posted to this school,
he was the one who greeted us with smiles.
Seeing him daily in the office,
exchanging small talks and jokes,
will be something that I am going to miss a lot.

He was a great man,
filled with ideas and inspirations to make the school a better place,
not only for the pupils but also for us, the teachers.
He was firm and yet, considerate to all of us.
It was really sad seeing him leave,
but I do believe that he has earned the good rest that he should have now.

To my wonderful headmaster,
you have done a wonderful job,
and all your deeds will be etched in our heart.
Fly Kenyalang Fly,
Fly High, SK Miri Boleh!



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