Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Last birthday.

Happy birthday.
That would be the last birthday greeting from me.
That would also be the last text message that I would send to you ever again.
I am glad that I did text you.
I am glad that I didn't cave in and saying that everything is okay, and it's fine,
because it wasn't.

I am glad that I took the time to reply you.
I am glad that I am able to write down all the things that I wished to tell you during those years of being ghosted and left behind without any traces,
I am glad that I didn't forgive you that easily like last time,
and I am glad that I didn't cling on to the hope of you doing anything after the text.

I have finally found the closure.
I finally have the courage to remove your number and all the reminders of you from my life.
I am glad that I have removed you.
Cheers to a new beginning without you, for real.
Because I am done.



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