Monday, February 1, 2021


The 2nd month of 2021.
And I am still working from home, 
not able to see my kids at school due to pandemic,
staying at home to avoid crowds and to safeguard myself as well as my family.
It hasn't been a great start of the year,
and I thank God that I am surrounded by wonderful people who kept me company.

Thank you for keeping me accompanied through daily texts and occasional calls.
It made me laughed and smiled a lot while going through difficult times of working at home.
Thank you making me feel safe and warm at the same time too.
Thank you for sending food and spending time with me at my home.
It meant a lot to me that you would take out some time to come and see me.

How silly was I before this.
Thinking that I wouldn't be able to meet someone better than the previous one,
for keeping hold on to the guy who brought more misery that happiness in my life,
and for beating myself up over a guy who made felt insecure the whole time.
How silly was I to think that no one could replace him.
And now, right here,
I am so thankful that you are present in my life,
making me feel so warm and happy.
Thank you, you.
You indeed meant a lot to me in the past, present and hopefully in the future.



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