Friday, May 30, 2014

stranger perhaps?

ok, i have started my long holidays by merely being at home.
like seriously.
friends have been venturing out to work,
and i dont really feel like hanging out,
just wanna get some relaxation and healing as well at home.
and due to the long hours at home, i started to look back on my facebook.
on the pictures, wall posts, my status previously,
and also on my notes in which i have written quite some interesting things.
and one of it was about something that i have retrieved during my blog-walking session two years ago.
reading it back makes me wonder,
why do strangers who enters my life always end up being a stranger back?
anywayz, the post is as below (forgive me if i have blogged about this, but my memory sucks big time these days.. teehee)

Have you ever met someone who can light up your whole day? Someone who suddenly appears out of nowhere but made you smile every time you see each other? Maybe you met that person in your town, at work, at the store or through a friend. But you find out that they’re not from here. They live far away, and in a few days they are going back home. The last day before leaving, you decide to meet up for a little while. But you missed one other, so you have to go back home with an empty heart and a question constantly ringing in your head. Will you ever meet again? You have not a name, a phone number or Facebook. What are the odds that you will ever meet again? Very very minimal..

reading back this post reminds me of the past,
reminds me of the people whom i have met that brought smiles to me,
reminds me of the little hopes that i built every Sunday,
not because i can't accept the fact,
but sometimes, able to be put some hopes on things that not even me know whether it would or would not happen,
somehow feels nice.
to keep on believing and hoping,
that one day,
that particular rainbow would appear in my clouds,
might be called silly by some of you,
but for me,
no one can understand if they were not in my shoes.



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