Wednesday, November 11, 2015


A beautiful date.
And a beautiful celebration.
I just knew a year ago that 11.11 is actually a day for the singles out there and just celebrate their status as singles.
And it also allows them to go out and meet more new people.
But since its a rainy day tonite, I don't get to celebrate much about my status.

Being single for quite some times has changed me a bit here and there.
I guessed this is something that can't be helped though.
Riding a train all alone for several years does make a person change.
From longing for something into turning backs from it.
From being desperate for someone into avoiding from it.
From wishing and wanting into pushing and giving up.

I guessed I need more love songs in my playlist,
or more love dramas in my hard disks,
or maybe shows that can make me have this fluttery feelings again,
But for the meantime, sitting alone beside the window in a fast moving train,
doesn't feel so lonely anymore.
I guessed I am now used to it.



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