Thursday, November 26, 2015


Finally, holidays.
Have been spending the first week of my holidays at home,
and unlike any others,
I spent it laying sick on my bed.
Reached home and combo sickness came.
And thank God, 70% healed after a week of resting filled with explosive moods here and there.

To those whose travelling, be safe.
I would really love to travel but I prefer to travel with my parents' blessings,
instead of having to go through mountains of arguments just to travel.
To those whose doing some part time jobs, get some time for yourself.
I would really love to do part time jobs but seriously, I need a break to prepare myself for a more challenging year ahead.
And to those whose getting engaged and married by the end of the year, may God bless all of you with love and happiness!
I would really love to shock ppl with announcing good news to everyone, but I dont have one to do so.
Heck, I dont even have a guy to shock people with! 
But, things will turn better.
Who knows what is kept in 2016 right?
So, I shall wait in patience and meanwhile, enjoy being single.

Hence, happy holidays to everyone.
No matter what you are doing or where you are going, be safe and make it an everlasting memory!



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