Saturday, May 30, 2015


After working for several months,
as well as checking and marking all the pupils' papers,
and getting stressed due to their achievement,
holidays have appeared!

And I seriously need one.
Need one to release all the tensions,
to drain away all the negative energy,
and to fill myself up with positive energy..
Holidays are also giving me opportunity to work,
working on how to help my kids to improve,
working on how to improve myself better,
working on how to ensure that I can contribute to the school,
and working on how to teach even better.

And of course,
vacation seems to be happening a lot this year!
Gonna be heading to Sibu to meet up with my best friend,
before setting out to KL for another important event of my life.
The event that will gather up all my old classmates,
and reminsicing all the memories we had last time..
And then, its gonna be the end of holidays,
and working again...

Damn, why does sweet stuffs always end fast?
Anyways, thank you to the 15 readers who read on my 550th post!
It made me felt like there are people who wanting to know little facts bout me after all,
Will be posting another one when I reach the 600th post.. 
Till then, will keep everyone updated!
Happy holidays beautiful and handsome people!



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