Friday, July 12, 2013


Wow, its been quite a while for me not updating this blog after i left this blog with quite an emo post.. Well, its those time of the day so yeah, emo post is definitely a yes-yes.. Anywayz, time to update about life...

first and foremost, lectures has ended and its time for practical.. something that i dread the most since it spells stress, heavy workloads, numerous observations, scoldings, annoyance from here and there, and not forgetting, the countless nights of insomnia.. Whatever shall be, shall be.... =(

anywayz, raya holidays is coming soon and i cant wait to go home.. and actually i'm counting on the dates to go home.. haha.. and of course, with all the stuffs that i'm handling, am really trying to keep a balance of it.. 

and finger-crossed, may whatever I do will be granted and will prove fruitful not only to me but also to those who are depending on my actions.. =)
Well, i dont know what else to update but for now, life feels much better compared to last semester.. yes, i do look behind once in a while but right now, it feels so good to more one step forward.. =)



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