Thursday, January 3, 2013


I starting to love naming my post based on date i write..
it seems like it would be easier to recall what happened during the years..
well, back to what i supposed to write today..
today, i thought of my new resolutions..
ppl say resolutions should not be something too difficult to attain,
or else why do u wanna set a target when u know ur not gonna reach it?

so my resolutions for this beautiful 2013 are as follows:
1. to be healthy always by taking care on my food
2. to be fit always by trying to go for a walk in the evening.
3. to focus more on studies so that i would be able to reach my targets.
4. to be happy by meeting new people and stop thinking about the past.
5. to do something meaningful.

simple resolutions for the year.
may these resolutions bring a good change in my life as well as the ppl around me.



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