Tuesday, January 21, 2014


all of us know the meaning of change.
change could be in how we behave, act or maybe how we dressed.
change could also be in terms of our transition of life,
where we are change on how we live our life different from how we used to.

I am a girl whose afraid of changes.
but the more i avoid changes, the more it comes to me.
and i have to decide,
either to embrace it and make something out of it,
or avoid again and again,
which i find it useless..

and after really thinking and observing all the things that happen around me,
i have decided,
to embrace the changes and make something out of it..
something happy, if possible..
of course, i wanna stick to the old routines,
but sometimes, when things have started to change and take its own course,
no matter how much i wanna stick on to it,
i might eventually get left out.
so might as well, embrace it though changes might hurt, 
and make something happy out of it..

not being emo here,
but i know i have to grow up one day,
and the process of growing part includes,
the ability to accept and embrace changes,
and make the best out of it..
i believe in time,
time would change me and make me able to adapt to all the changing variables around me.
and eventually be happy with what i have decided.



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